Many companies have made a move to expand their service and products into several other regions of the world. If you’re thinking about it, too, be advised that moving into new markets is not as easy as changing your shopping cart’s currency from dollars to yen. With growth and expansion comes the important steps of localizing your products, services, website content and more.
Entering a new market correctly is paramount to protecting a company’s image. It’s an all out, all-hands effort, from marketing to operations and customer service. If you don’t know how to approach localization or where to start, you’re in luck. X Creative Media, a translation and localization company, wants to share some expert advice on how to tackle this initiative and ensure it’s done right.
Translating an entire website into other languages is not as daunting as it sounds.
Creating an appeal in other countries starts with the global face of a company: your website. Accordingly, website translation that accommodates local languages is a major step, but there are ways to streamline it.
Our suggestion: using a web proxy. This simplifies the process by eliminating the need to create separate pages and domains for each target country. Instead of attempting to translate the entire website – a costly process that ties up valuable IT resources – a proxy provides a layer between existing pages and users in global markets.
Existing content is delivered to professional translators who make the necessary changes and upload them so that they display the correct language for each user’s location. All changes made by domestic webmasters are delivered to translators immediately to facilitate fast updates. This is key to an efficient business operation.